Multiple Myeloma March Newmarket

Making Memories
Making Memories

Tanya's Tribe

Hi Friends and Family!

On Sunday September 22 at 11:00am in Newmarket, Tanya's Tribe will be walking  to raise money in support of Myeloma Canada by participating in the Multiple Myeloma March.

We had an enormous turnout last year and so many generous donors. We are so very grateful for the love and support of our family and friends. 

We were initially going to take a break from the event this year, however, we had a change of heart. At the end of August, a mentor, friend, and one of the most admirable myeloma patient advocates in Canada passed away suddenly. Dave McMullen has been a pillar in the myeloma community for many years and we will miss him very much. 

As a result we decided to honor him by joining the walk and fundraising for research and life saving treatments.

We know that these are tough financial times and we are thankful for your support in any form. If you can, join Tanya and her family on September 22. If you cannot make it, please consider a small donation, any amount counts. 

As you know, Tanya was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer, in May 2019 and she will celebrate her 5th anniversary of her stem cell transplant on September 25. She is currently on an elevated maintenance chemotherapy pill and while her cancer markers have been on the rise, she is hopeful that she will remain on this treatment a little while longer until she will have to move on to the next treatment on the list.

By making a donation, you are supporting the pursuit of curing and preventing the disease, accelerating access to the best care, while empowering and improving the lives of all Canadians affected by myeloma. 

You are giving people like Tanya the prospect of having more time with her family and kids.

Please make a donation today and help us reach our fundraising goal!

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