Greetings All
The Family and I are raising money to help support treatments and research for Multiple Myeloma. Myeloma is a blood cancer that affects a type of immune cell called the plasma cell, that is found in the bone marrow. We will be participating in Myeloma Canada's Multiple Myeloma March on September 14th, 2024, at Quidi Vidi Lake in St John's Newfoundland.
I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2016, and have been receiving treatments since May 2018 to keep this Cancer under control. So raising awareness to this disease is a personal one to us. With all the great advances of the medication and therapies, we hope to change this from a treatable disease to a curable one! This is where we need a little help.
The Multiple Myeloma March is the main, annual, large-scale fundraiser that exclusively supports the Canadian Myeloma community. Each year in the fall, communities across the country rally for a 5km walk to increase awareness and raise funds for clinical research and to support advocacy, for accelerated access to new, game-changing therapies for Canadians living with Myeloma.
By making a donation to myself, or team Cross for the Cure, you are helping to fund clinical research and to support advocacy for accelerated access to game-changing therapies for Canadian Myeloma patients.
Please help us out and make a donation today to reach our fundraising goal!
I'm at 240 km of 300 km.
Myeloma Canada
1255 TransCanada, Suite 160
Dorval, QC H9P 2V4
Tel: 514 421-2242 | Toll-free: 1 888 798-5771
© 2024 Myeloma Canada - All Rights Reserved.
Charitable Registration Number: 862533296RR0001