Myeloma Canada is proud to have attained Imagine Canada Level 2 Accreditation, having successfully completed a rigorous peer review of our operating and governance practices. Our accreditation lets our volunteers and donors formally know that when you support Myeloma Canada, your goodwill is in good hands, further solidifying the bond of trust and confidence you’ve already placed in us.
A message from event founders, Maryse Bouchard and Francine Ducas
For the past twelve years, our mission has been to educate people about multiple myeloma and to raise funds to support the Myeloma Canada Research Chair at the Université de Montréal, at theMaisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital (HMR).Thanks to your commitment and generosity, the Défi Cyclo-myelome has raised over $1 million in support of Dr LeBlanc and his research team since its launch in 2013.
Together we are making difference!
As participants and donors, let’s join forces to help eradicate this cancer and pay tribute to the patients and caregivers impacted by this disease, and to the researchers who are working to cure it.
Co-founders: Francine Ducas, Dr. Richard LeBlanc, titulaire de la Chaire Myélome Canada, Marie-Lyne Joncas et Maryse Bouchard
Why participate
Dr. Richard LeBlanc, holder of the Myeloma Canada Chair in Multiple Myeloma at the University of Montreal at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital (HMR), and his team count on our support to advance research and improve the care of patients who suffer of this terrible cancer. These people living with multiple myeloma and their loved ones come from all over Quebec and even beyond to seek treatment at the HMR and cannot afford a break.
The Myeloma Canada Chair and its objectives presented by Dr. Richard LeBlanc
“In the current context, your support is more vital than ever,” says Dr. LeBlanc. “My team and I need you to continue fighting this cancer. People living with multiple myeloma are very vulnerable. They need our support more than ever. Thank you for showing solidarity with people who suffer from multiple myeloma!"
Get involved and help raise funds today for myeloma!
Get involved in a Myeloma Canada fundraising event or create your own! Regardless of what you choose, by participating you’ll be making an amazing impact and supporting the tens of thousands of Canadians affected by myeloma.
All fundraising dollars support the pursuit of: