Myeloma Canada is proud to have attained Imagine Canada Level 2 Accreditation, having successfully completed a rigorous peer review of our operating and governance practices. Our accreditation lets our volunteers and donors formally know that when you support Myeloma Canada, your goodwill is in good hands, further solidifying the bond of trust and confidence you’ve already placed in us.
Why participate
Through your generous support of the Myeloma Canada Ride, you are supporting the pursuit of curing and preventing the disease, accelerating access to the best care, while empowering and improving the lives of all Canadians affected by myeloma.
In addition to raising critical funds, Myeloma Canada’s national and community-driven fundraising events are volunteer-led and have a significant impact on the Canadian myeloma community. They create awareness for the cause and bring individuals impacted by myeloma those living with the disease, their families, friends, and professionals in the field together in strong and supportive communities.
Get involved and help raise funds today for myeloma!
Get involved in a Myeloma Canada fundraising event or create your own! Regardless of what you choose, by participating you’ll be making an amazing impact and supporting the tens of thousands of Canadians affected by myeloma.
All fundraising dollars support the pursuit of: