Myeloma Canada is proud to have attained Imagine Canada Level 2 Accreditation, having successfully completed a rigorous peer review of our operating and governance practices. Our accreditation lets our volunteers and donors formally know that when you support Myeloma Canada, your goodwill is in good hands, further solidifying the bond of trust and confidence you’ve already placed in us.
About Myeloma Canada
Myeloma Canada is the only national charitable organization created by and for Canadians impacted by multiple myeloma. Myeloma Canada has been making myeloma matter since it was founded in 2005.
The organization is driven to improve the lives and empower all Canadians affected by myeloma, accelerate access to the best care, while supporting the pursuit of its cure and prevention.
While myeloma is the second most common form of blood cancer, few people have ever heard of it. Myeloma affects a type of immune cell called the plasma cell, found in the bone marrow.
The reality is that the number of Canadians living with myeloma is on the rise, with 11 new Canadians being diagnosed everyday, increasing the urgent need for greater investment in and access to life-saving treatments and care.